
Selasa, 12 November 2013

It's okay to be NOT okay...

Mereka bilang:
"Kamu harus kuat. Tegarlah, hadapi kenyataan, semua akan baik-baik saja" 
"Easy... time will heals your hurt, you have to be brave..!!"
 aaaah... Words are so easy.

It doesn't heal, the wound. The injury was for sure but the memory is always messy. Even now when I think about then, the broken heart, the broken trust, the tears keep on coming.

Bersedih. Terluka. Kecewa. Tidak salahkan?
Bagaimana, dengan ucapan seperti: 
"it's okay to be NOT okay. It's okay to be scared. It's okay to cry..." 
itu jauh lebih menyenagkan didengar. Dan sesungguhnya penghiburan yang terbaik menurutku, setelah sebuah pelukan tentunya.

I guess, it's good to be sick sometimes. It's okay to be okay. It's okay to be scared. It's okay to cry..
If people had said that to me, I probably would've cried a day, two days, a weeks....
and be fine. 


Coz, the wind (will) blows that winter~

tears fallin


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^^ dengerin video nya deh mbak pasti lebih suka.. >> tears fallin

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