at 20:01
Sun: Star!!
Star: Hey, you.. what’s up?
Sun: What is it with your avatar?
Star: ??
Sun: The smile..in your picture just now.
Star: Oh well, unpretty it is. My default. *sigh
Sun: It didn’t reach your eyes. The smile.
Star: And amongst all my photo, was there any that reached my eyes?
Star: It’s a no, no?
Sun: No, it is not a no.
Star: Oh, give me benefit of the doubt!
Star: To love, and being loved back. Was it too much to ask?
Sun: Every living soul in this world, would die searching for their fragment of a heart. Within their lover’s soul.
Star: The torment of waiting. Or the curse of solitary. Which one are us?
Sun: Time will tell. And we’ll endure.
Star: Ah, time does. Time is so powerful. Lethal even.
Sun: As in?
Star: As in, time heals wounds, time reveals truth, time decides
who’d survive, time kills hopes or in reverse -time grows hopes.
Sun: But time can’t do one thing.
Star: As in?
Sun: Time can’t be turned back. You’re not mine, and I am not yours anymore.
Star: Good or bad?
Sun: Both. Or either.
Star: Hahaha!
Sun: It just is.
Star: It is.
Sun: Gotta go now. See you, hunndi.
Star: Bye, hunn...
Sun: Remember, next time you smile let it reach your eyes.
Star: Aye, sir!
last seen today at 20:45
Star: I Miss You..
at 21:05
Star: Heiii!!
Star: Are you there?
Moon: Yep. Sorry, was a bit busy. Howdy Ling?
Star: I’m good. I hope.
Moon: You hope? Lol. Care to share?
Star: Oh, well. Not much. ’till he talked to me.
Moon: Him? Who?
Star: You know who. He-who-made-me-cry-and-whine-can’t-stand-losing-of.
Moon: ) Him! What did he talk about?
Star: My smile. End up in pseudo-intelligence about time.
Moon: Another bizarre shits?
Star: Hard to spell topic always makes you cheeky!
Moon: Sorry, not a big fan of talking sophisticate covered bull poop.
Star: Why are you so rude when it comes to him?? You know I love(d) him so! :’(
Moon: Touche. That is why. Because I know you love him so.
Star: ??
Moon: I know how powerful this might destroy you. Have you forgot of your sleepless night? I haven’t.
Star: Partly, because I called you those nights.
Moon: Hell yeah.
Star: I can’t thank you enough for that. But I’ve gotta go now, k?
Moon: Alrighty. Anyway, just save yourself, ling? Stay away from him.
last seen at 22:10
Moon: I love you.
at 23:30
is typing…
"I have gone across the world and around.
To seek for happiness and heal my wound.
Look what I found.
The Earth is merely round.
I arrived to where I had started -safe and sound.
Happiness is after all, on my first step of ground.”
Star is now known as diendong
last seen at 23:45
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No one can tell my story so I tell it myself. No one can write my story so I write it myself.
Jumat, 27 September 2013
diendong's Mates
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About Me
- diendong
- Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia
- You've got me all figured out, din't you? Why bother to explain?