I am a Princess.
I am brave sometimes. I am scared sometimes. Sometimes, I am brave even when I am scared.
I believe in loyalty and trust. I believe loyalty is built on trust.
I try to be kind. I try to be generous. I am kind even when others are not so generous.
I am a Princess.
I think standing up for myself is important. I think standing up for others is more important. But standing with others is most important.
I am a Princess.
I believe compassion makes me strong. Kindness is power. And family is the tightest bond of all.
I have heard I am beautiful.
I know I am strong.
And I have to be happy and keep smiling, because that’s just what a princess does.
I am a Princess. 👑💙💐
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No one can tell my story so I tell it myself. No one can write my story so I write it myself.
Jumat, 08 Januari 2016
diendong's Mates
Entri Populer
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About Me
- diendong
- Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia
- You've got me all figured out, din't you? Why bother to explain?
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